Every year during the month of October United Nation’s Day is celebrated all over the world to commemorate the anniversary of the official creation of the United Nations through the 1945 UN Charter. The purpose of this celebration is to reaffirm the purpose of the UN Charter as prescribed in Article 1 of the charter “to maintain international peace and security, and to take effective and collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of peace.”
In support of this Col. E. De Leon celebrated UN Day on October 30, 2021, with the theme “International Year of Peace and Trust.” The school community come together virtually to celebrate the day with fanfare. This is a way of showing that the school upholds the common agenda of UN which is the “need for solidarity and cooperation to address the challenges plaguing the world today”.
The pomp and creativity shown in the virtual program is once again a testimonial of unity and cooperation among teachers, students, and parents. It is also a sign that the educational work force has adjusted to the new normal. Thru FB live, the following activities were played. The kindergarten presented their colorful national costumes as they danced. It was followed by the Grade 1 pupils; happily waving flag lets of different countries. The second graders presented their talents in making slogans. The Grade 3 pupils showed their best to interpret the song “Hello to All the Children of the World” wearing their national costumes. The Grade 4 presented their writing skills in composing an essay about the theme. The fifth graders exhibited their talent in poster making. Some selected Grade six pupils participated in the Quiz Bee competition. We can say that the activity was a hit by the number of viewers that joined in the FB Live.
This year let’s pledge to walk on a road that leads to peace and trust. Let us make peace not war by spreading love not hatred. “Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.” – Albert Einstein.