Philippine Standard Time:


“PROJECT ABAKADA” (Agarang BaliKatin Ang  Kaalaman sa tamang Daan para makabasa)

This program aims to iradicate the non-readers and improve the reading ability skills of the pupils. To decrease non-readers and increase the reading proficiency level from frustration to independent by 10% annually.

PROJECT DRIVE ( Digitization of Reading Instruction and Materials for Vigorous Education)

A Language Literacy program that aims to  decrease non-readers and increase the reading proficiency level from frustration to independent.

Numeracy Program PROJECT I-MATH ( Interactive MAthematics Through Hands on activities)

Aims to decrease the underachievers pupils due to poor study habits and resources specially gadgets on four fundamental operations in their lesson.


 To improve pupils participation in different online curricular and extra-curricular activities across learning areas.

Project ATTAIN (Assist To Train pupils Aim to Increase their Notion to succeed)

This programs aims to increase the academic performance of pupils per rating period in terms of General Percentage Average (GPA) by 5% annually.

Wellness Program

 A year-round program to one fit and healthy.

Brigada Eskwela

aims to bring together all education stakeholders to participate and contribute their time, effort and resources to  prepare the school facilities for the opening of classes.

Feeding Program

aims to reduce or prevent child undernutrition



-Supreme Pupil Government ( SPG)-Supreme Pupil Government is a student body. It serves as a venue for elementary pupils to develop their leadership and social skills. Officers of this organization function as leaders in the school. Through concerted efforts, they can achieve their objectives and be able to help the school attain more of its goals.


Science Club, English Club, Math Club, Filipino Club, Journalism-To enhance the academic potentials of the learners.

STEP   (Survive Till End with Progress)

A program that lessen the number of pupils transferring to other schools. 

LINK (Learn and Invest New Knowledge thru ICT)

Aims To increase the interest of pupils in class interaction.

ELIFE (Enjoyable Learning Institution with a Friendly Environment)

This program aims to fill in the gap from limited to adequate supply of learning facilities and resources   in 2021.

EXPLORE (EXtend Pupil’s Learning Outcomes through Realistic Experiences)

A program that increase the number of pupils joining school’s activities.

SHIGLA (Spryness and Health Integration to Grow Learners’ Achievement)

A program that can decrease the number of pupils who do not follow the right amount of food intake and suggested balanced diet  in 2021.

National Drug Education Program (NDEP)

The NDEP stands for National Drug Education Program and is a comprehensive educational program which provides for a holistic approach to the problem of drug abuse. It was designed to enable all sectors to work collaboratively, with the school system as the core, thereby, unifying all sectoral endeavors.

Youth for Environment in School’s Organization (YES- O Program) -YES-O

is a school-based co-curricular organization which serves as a significant venue for students’ actions and movements toward safeguarding, protecting and conserving the environment for future generation

PROJECT  I- MATH Interactive MAth Through Hands – on activities

 Poor study habits because of lack of connection between the teacher and the pupils

PROJECT ATTAIN (Assist TTrain pupils Aim to Increase their Notion to succeed)

to increase the academic performance of pupils per rating period in terms of General Percentage Average (GPA)

Lakbay-Aral Program Project

for A.P teachers and learners to explore historical places around Metro Manila.

Language Literacy

   To attain pupils reading levels to instructional and  independent

Numeracy Program

 Attain increase level of proficiency in Numeracy  

Remediation Program for English, Filipino, Math

Encourage pupils to attain more in these subjects 

Child Protection Policy/Anti-Bullying Policy

Improve school’s environment to make it safe and conducive for learning  


Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is the technology essential for information processing, specifically, the use of computers, communication device, and software applications to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, retrieve information from anywhere, anytime.

The development of ICT enables businesses and individuals to communicate and engage in transactions with others electronically, instantaneously, and internationally. This give rise to the formulation of the RA No. 10844 , otherwise known as the “Department of Information and Communications Technology Act of 2015” which was signed into law on 23 May, 2016.

In accordance to the law, the Department of Information and Communications technology (DICT) shall be the primary policy, planning, coordinating, implementing, and administrative entity of the government that will plan, develop and promote the national ICT development agenda.

The education sector is facing many challenges nowadays. We live in a world where changes occur in all sectors. The biggest instance is the COVID 19 pandemic. When face-to-face is prohibited in schools, distance learning evolves and a new model of learning is established. Col. E. De Leon Elementary School supports Modular Distance Learning (MDL) and Digital Modular Distance Learning (DMDL). 

CEDLES is very fortunate to receive the ICT equipment from various donors and stakeholders who continuously being generous in providing the needs of every teacher to promote quality basic education during teaching and learning process. The annual School’s Brigada Eskwela Campaign encouraged a number of stakeholders who donated television’s (TV’s), computers, cell phones, tablets, and other gadgets to show their support in this program of the Department of Education.

According to the study of Behnke, Gilliland, Schneider and Singer in 2005, the usage of electronic gadgets like tablets, laptops, and cell phones help a lot of teachers be more equipped and knowledgeable of teaching of teaching methods or strategies concerning technology. Based on the study of Nah, Lim and Yih in 2012, electronic gadgets help facilitate and develop student-centered learning through providing additional functions that enable student’s active role in the classroom.

ICT has become part and parcel of life. Removing it from one’s existence will not be definitely the same again. In this ever-changing world together we hold, let’s embrace the opportunity for a better world for you and me.

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