Philippine Standard Time:

Embarking on a First “E-Sailing” Adventure



“Aye Aye Captain!”

The first three months of this year is the first “E-Sailing adventure of our Master Teachers and Aspiring Master Teachers with the project E-SAILs (Empowering Strong and Active Instructional Leaders): A Mentoring and Coaching Program through Virtual Gatherings with Instructional Leaders of District II, spearheaded by the District II Supervisor, Dr. Maria Dolora M. Zaragoza,  with a belief that  Master Teachers should be highly talented instructional leaders and their primary role is to collaborate with the principal to assess student data and develop and implement an academic achievement plan to attain greater learning outcomes.

Sailors often find themselves at a loose end, meaning they do not know what to do next. When on board, something that is often loose is the rope. This E-SAILs adventure will be attaching the rope properly by empowering the 21 Master Teachers and 20 Aspiring Master Teachers of District II through capacitating them with skills in instructional supervision, modelling a strategic and content-based teaching and creating and implementing an academic achievement plan to attain higher learning outcomes which will be achieved through a workshop on instructional supervision using an instructional supervisory tool, conduct of demonstration teaching by MTs with multi-disciplinary integration and an engagement on the preparation and implementation of an academic achievement plan based on the first and second grading GPA.

The Project: E-SAILs was successfully launched on March 4, 2022. It was followed with the Plenary Learning Action Cell (LAC) Session on mentoring and coaching on analyzing GPA results and preparation of academic action plan on March 8, 2022. Another Plenary LAC Session with small groupings on mentoring and coaching on instructional supervision was also held on March 11, 2022.

Embarking smoothly, E-SAILs will be having demonstration teachings from selected Master Teachers to be observed by their colleagues in small group LAC sessions. These will be facilitated by the PSDS with the help of the five (5) School Heads of District II who will conduct the pre and post observation during the peer demo teaching.  

Sailing to success  will be the grand finale with  the recognition and rewarding of MTs and School Heads’ effort and accomplishment for the program and the desire of the Captain that  those still dreaming about sailing can be inspired to get out of their comfort zone and embark on their first sailing adventure.  

“Land Ho!”