Philippine Standard Time:

Celebrating Modern Heroes amid Pandemics

This year annual celebration of the Worlds Teachers’ Day with the theme TEACHERS LEADING IN CRISIS, REIMAGING THE FUTURE has greatly changed but nevertheless it was fun-filled and memorable. The CEDLES teaching and non-teaching personnel celebrated it virtually. It starts with the opening remarks  by Mrs Susan J. Corro followed by an inspirational message by Hon. Roberto Alano and a video greeting from the parents. Each grade levels also have their presentation. The kinder teachers made a video presentation showing the past celebration. They also did not forget teachers who rendered service for the past 10 to 30 years. They also gave awards to the outstanding teachers and the module developers.

 This years Worlds teachers’ day is a noteworthy amid the pandemic. This celebration is one of the opportunities to say thank you to our teachers in their great role on the continuation of education amidst the crisis. They have shown great leadership and dedication to support the governments initiative that no learners should be left behind. They also ensure that education must continue and help find solutions in creating a new environment for learning.

 “To the world you maybe a teacher but to your students you are a star”, let that star shines brightly and be the guide that will fulfill every child’s dreams and aspirations. Continue to uplift education and be the light in the way to the learners’ brighter future.